Hemp Recycling: A Helping Hand from Heartland 

There’s more great news on the hemp recycling front this week! Heartland Industries, a hemp biotech firm based in Michigan, has teamed up with an international plastics recycler to work on special plastic resins that contain hemp materials. If all goes well, this project should result in a major reduction in the carbon footprint of virgin plastics.

Hemp Industry Daily reported that the Michigan company is partnering with the Orlando-based Ravago Americas, to engineer this highly innovative product. 

In essence, the hemp materials we’re talking about here are renewable additives for plastics. The report explained that: “Ravago, which operates more than 45 facilities, says it will be able to offer its customers stronger, lighter and more sustainable composite products by leveraging renewable plastic additives made from hemp.”

“Heartland said its engineered hemp additives can reduce the carbon footprint of virgin plastics by up to 44%.”

The report added that: “Through their agreement, Heartland and Ravago are also pursuing research and development efforts to serve the automotive, packaging and building materials industries.”

We love to see this sort of uplifting news story here at California Grown Hemp. Every firm in the hemp industry – whether it’s a specialist hemp grower like us or a hemp biotech company like Heartland Industries – can make a positive impact on the climate crisis and this pressing environmental situation that we are all now facing.

It must be admitted that hemp still has a slightly peculiar status with a lot of the general public. People don’t always grasp how versatile this substance is and how many applications it has beyond just cannabis and CBD products. (See our blog post on “Why California Hemp Is Such a Versatile Plant” for more on this amazing subject.) From the walls of a classroom to the denim in a pair of jeans, hemp can be used for some truly extraordinary things.

As hemp farmers based in California, we take pride in the fact that our hemp is 100% organic and grown outside. The absence of synthetic products and excessive interference in the natural growth process is what gives our crops their world-leading quality. However, we also have immense respect for those taking a very high-tech approach to hemp, such as the talented teams involved in this partnership between Heartland Industries and Ravago Americas. After all, it is fantastic research and innovation like theirs that yields some of hemp’s most surprising applications.

If you would like to order our 100% natural, organic, California Grown Hemp, you can contact the team on:



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by | Jan 25, 2022 | Thoughts | 0 comments

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