The big question – does CBD get you high?
Let’s tackle this question right away since it’s the first thing everyone wants to know. And people often get a little confused.
CBD products do not get you high. You see, in the hemp plant there are many natural compounds called “cannabinoids”. They all do slightly different things. CBD is one of these compounds. It stands for “cannabidiol” and it has a whole range of medical uses. However, it is not psychoactive. This means that you won’t get any sort of high from it.
People often confuse CBD with a different natural compound that is also found in the hemp plant. This is called THC. THC stands for “tetra hydro cannabinol”. This is the part of the plant that is indeed highly psychoactive and does alter your state of mind when consumed.

Is CBD and hemp natural or man-made?
Hemp is a totally natural plant. It grows naturally on earth just like basil, grapes and oranges. In fact, here in California, where our hemp is grown, the hemp plants grow in the very same conditions as our world-famous fruit. The crops share the perfect growing climate with California’s renowned orange groves and vineyards.
The CBD part of hemp is naturally found in the plant. To extract the CBD that goes into products such as CBD oil, producers can use a natural process called distillation.
How old is hemp and CBD?
Now you’re asking! Hemp has been around for millennia! For thousands of years it has been on our planet – and since the early days of human existence, men and women have picked it, grown it and made use of it in one way or another.
Throughout human history, different cultures have treated the hemp plant in different ways. Some tribes have built spiritual traditions around hemp, with intricate ceremonies involving smoking it and eating it. Other communities worked out how to use hemp as an ingredient in medicines, or to stimulate the mind.
In modern times, scientists have really got to grips with hemp. Now we can use it as a fabric to make rope and clothing, and we can create CBD products in a carefully controlled environment for medical uses and to enhance our daily lives.
Should I use CBD oil? Is it safe? Is it legal?
CBD oil is not the same as the drug cannabis that gets you high and is illegal in so many parts of the world. CBD is not psychoactive and it has many safe and legitimate medical uses. Here in the USA, CBD is used for everything from easing insomnia and anxiety to pain-relief.
Can you get bad hemp and CBD?
Yes – quality is as important when you’re growing hemp and preparing CBD as it is in when you’re growing oranges to make orange juice or growing grapes to make wine. The climate here in California is perfect for growing hemp naturally, with lots of sunshine and highly fertile soil. The quality of our hemp crops is consistently excellent, which is why our hemp is so popular across the USA and the world.

Hemp and CBD definitions
Our glossary for those need-to-know hemp terms and CBD definitions
We’ve all heard of these three letters by now. But what do they stand for and what actually is CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol – one of the many natural compounds that you find in the hemp plant. In fact, there are over 100 of these compounds, all technically known as cannabinoids. CBD is non-psychoactive – in other words, it will not give any sort of a high. It can be used for everything from pain relief to anxiety.
Hemp Flower
The bud of the hemp plant is referred to as hemp flower. It may not be quite as beautiful as the rose, but the hemp flower can look spectacular. More importantly, though, hemp flower contains CBD – crucial for the production of hemp products.
There are various way to consume CBD, from edible forms to those that you smoke. Inhaling CBD has the advantage that it enters the blood stream more quickly than it would as an edible form. This means that you will feel the benefits sooner. Options include – CBD vapes, CBD cigarettes and raw CBD flower that comes in a little jar.
CBD oil
CBD oil is one of the most common forms of CBD found today in health shops and online. Presented in a small bottle that usually comes with a pipette, the CBD can be easily consumed with a drop on the tongue or in food or drink. Used to treat numerous conditions, from stress and inflammation to sleepless nights, CBD oil is safe, legal and will not give you a high. CBD oil is non-psychoactive.
CBD Flower
The CBD flower is another name for the hemp flower. Both terms are used to refer to the bud of the hemp plant. The flower contains CBD and is highly valued for its role in the manufacture of popular hemp products such as CBD oil.
Kush is a form of cannabis that is highly psychoactive. In other words, it gives you a very substantial high. The specific part that creates the high is called THC – short for Tetra hydra cannabinol. (Not to be confused with CBD, which is not psychoactive.) Kush takes its name from the Hindu Kush mountain range – the area in which it originates.
Legendary OG
Legendary OG is a psychoactive strain of cannabis. Like Kush, it contains THC and is renowned for the particular character of the high that it delivers. The OG stands for “ocean grown” and this particular strain is often favored by medical cannabis patients.
To get the CBD compound out of the hemp plant, we can use a process called distillation. This is a combination of very careful and precise heating and cooling that leaves you with what is known as distillate. It is this distillate that then goes into CBD products.
Biomass is a technical term that simply means the amount of living matter in a given area. So when we talk about CBD hemp biomass, we are referring to the entire hemp plant – not just, say, the hemp flower.
Hemp farms
Hemp farms are exactly that – farms that grow the hemp plant as their crop. California has superb natural conditions for growing a wide range of crops – from beautiful, juicy oranges and grapes to world-leading hemp.
Indoor hemp
Indoor hemp is the type of hemp plant that is grown indoors. Growers use artificial techniques to regulate the climate and conditions that are suitable for the plants. No matter how ingenious the thinking and planning that goes into growing indoor hemp, though, it can never compare to the conditions found in California, with plenty of sunshine and rich, fertile soil – just as nature intended.
Outdoor hemp
Outdoor hemp is the best sort of hemp that money can buy. Grown outdoors in completely natural conditions, such as those you find here in California, the result is a higher quality crop that makes a very notable difference to the final hemp and CBD products.
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