No More “Hot Hemp”? Exciting New Hemp Research in Texas 

If you’re not a part of the hemp industry then you may not be familiar with the term “hot hemp”. It isn’t actually to do with the temperature of the hemp. Rather, it refers to hemp that contains a level of THC that is not legally permitted for sale. (Remember that THC stands for tetrahydocannabinol and is the part of the hemp plant that is psychoactive. In other words, THC is the component that gets you high.) 

For obvious reasons, legislators have to be very careful about the level of THC that is legally permissible in any given crop of hemp. While the legal level can vary from region to region, what’s certain is that it is always a very small quantity. We’re talking figures like 0.2% and 0.3% here.

Being a natural product, however, hemp sometimes produces slightly stronger quantities of THC than is anticipated. In these instances, growers have no choice but to dispose of the hemp. It’s a necessary step, but clearly it comes at a great cost to growers and hemp farmers. You could think of it as being a bit like a wine grower having to dispose of an entire crop of grapes because they yielded a slightly higher level of fructose than expected. Well, the good news is that researchers in Texas are working on hemp that will not ever become “hot hemp” and will therefore never require disposal. 

Hemp Industry Daily reported that: “Texas hemp researchers are working to knock out some of the variables in the inconsistent and unstable hemp genetics on the market by developing optimal phenotypic and trait characteristics to prevent plants that test over the federal legal THC threshold of 0.3%.”

The report went on to explain that the project is a partnership between Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Growing Together Research Inc. It all started back in 2020 and so far has produced good results. The leader of the project, Michael Thomsen, said: “Together we are developing a hemp line that will essentially produce zero delta-9 THC, and therefore guarantee lower than 0.3% THC levels under any growing environment.”

As farmers specializing in 100% organic hemp, working with the natural conditions found in California, we are more than familiar with the ways in which crops don’t always behave exactly as you’d expect them to. The work going into this research project promises great advantages for hemp growers and by extension the hemp industry in general. 

It also shows that there is now a very positive relationship between hemp farmers and legislators – with the industry working to ensure that hemp consistently conforms to the legal requirements. It’s no secret that the relationship between the growers and the legislators is, in many ways, still finding its feet. Of course, farmers, growers, CBD producers and cannabis retailers want to do everything exactly right. But as the laws are changing so fast in so many states, it can sometimes seem as though the goalposts are constantly moving and the touchlines are being adjusted with every play. This is only to be expected in such a young field – we’re very much in the early stages of what promises to become a great US industry. However, it’s nonetheless wonderful to see this project putting out such positivity. We’ll all be watching keenly to see how things develop further over the coming year.

If you would like to order our 100% natural, organic, California Grown Hemp, you can contact the team on:

+831-884-3124 WhatsApp

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Thoughts | 0 comments

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